
Three Token has a total supply of 333,333.

33,333 will be held in the Two Token treasury multi-sig wallet for potential future pairings.

So, the effective circulating supply will only be 300,000.

Of that 300,000, half will be up for sale on Pinksale, so 150,000.

Whatever is not bought on Pinksale of that 150,000 will be burned, making the circulating supply even lower.

10% tax on buys and sells. No transfer tax.

Tax breakdown:

3% buyback of One Token

2% buyback of Two Token (which involves buying One Token as well)

2% buyback of Three Token

3% to One Token treasury for marketing and other expenses

The buy backs will allow us to accumulate a sizeable chunk of our own tokens again forcing value to go up where later we can either burn it / reward members with it / or pair it for future expansions. The lower we can get the pools of each token, the higher the price will go. That will be the mission of Three Token.

Last updated